Wednesday 2 November 2011

Viewpoints, Theories and Beliefs

There are literally hundreds of theories and beliefs regarding the origin of the universe, its species and plant and animal life. These theories fall mostly into three general categories: 


This consists of about a dozen different belief systems based on different interpretations of the creation stories in the biblical book of Genesis. These beliefs are frequently found in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

God created the universe during 6 consecutive days less than 10,000 years ago. All of the various "kinds" of plants and animals that currently exist (and that once existed but are now extinct) on earth are descendants of the original life forms that God created during the single week of creation. However, within these original kinds of animals, microevolution has resulted in similar species developing.


The theory of evolution is accurate, just as scientists believe. The universe is about 14 billion years old. The earth's crust developed about 4.5 billion years ago.

Some believers suggest that God created the first cell; others suggest that the first cell happened as a result of natural processes through biogenesis. Subsequently, God used evolution as a tool to guide the development of each new species. By steering evolution over time, God eventually produced human beings.


The origin of the universe occurred about 13 billion years ago. The earth coalesced about 4.5 billion years ago. Evolution was driven by blind, unguided natural forces without a goal. Darwin's belief that naturally occurring differences among offspring lead to evolution of the species through natural selection is the main, or perhaps the only, driving principle behind evolution.

If God exists, he played no part in the processes and they were driven by purely natural forces, and without any overall plan. 

Amans, Ross and Ragland, Dan (2001) Origin of the universe theories [Electronic book].  Available at accessed 2 November 2011.

Creation v. evolution - a feasibility study (2011) [Internet] Available at <>

The evolution controversy (2006) [Internet] Available at <>

Origins and development of life (1995) [Internet] Available at <>

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