Thursday 17 November 2011

Annotated Bibliography

A question of  origins. (2008) [Video]

This video features widely-travelled Creationist speaker, Roger Oakland, who makes the issues surrounding the creation/science debate easy-to-understand. Various scientific experts share evidence and proofs also.

The visually rich video provides overwhelming evidence in favour of creation and that the universe and all life were created by a Supernatural being, and that the God of the Bible is that Creator. the video is useful for anyone who has questions concerning the scientific accuracy of the Bible. (2007) [Internet]. Available at <> accessed 27 October 2011.

This website supports the theory of science as fact when discussing the origin of the universe. The site gives detailed summaries arising from the science/creation debate. It attempts to prove in very detailed manner, that the scientific viewpoint is the correct one.

The site is easy to navigate and makes for easy reading as well. It provides very matter-of-fact information, even if it is on an almost argumentative slant.

Behe, Michael J. (1996) Darwin's black box: the biochemical challenge to evolution. Free Press New York.

Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution is a book written by Michael J. Behe. The author sets out to argue that the organic world is so complex, particularly at the level of molecular biology and biochemistry, that Darwinian evolution cannot possibly have led to it. His reasoning suggests that as evolution cannot produce irreducibly complex systems they must be the outcome of the activities of an Intelligent Designer.

Behe takes on the main supporters of evolution, and uses clever analogies and useful comparisons. Behe has not written this book in a religious format and denies he is a creationist, but the arguments are totally scientific. The book is pretty complicated for the average reader. Readers without a strong biology background will struggle with it. (2010) God did not create the universe, says Stephen Hawking [Internet] Available at <>, accessed 17 November, 2011.

This article explains that in a provocative book, Professor Stephen Hawking, Britain's most famous scientist, has declared God redundant said modern physics left no room for a Creator - and that science could explain the origins of the universe. Professor Stephen Hawking believes the laws of physics were behind the creation of the universe, not God, although he argues that it is "perfectly rational" to assume intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe.

The article talks a bit about the reasoning behind Hawking's theory, but doesn't elaborate much on the subject. Further research into Hawking's speculation on the subject will need to be carried out in order to obtain a clearer understanding.

eThoughts (2011) [Internet]. Available at <> accessed 3 November 2011.

eThoughts is a website dedicated to questions about life and belief. The website is clearly categorised by topic and is a useful source for those wanting an introduction to faith and religion. A vast variety of topics is covered and theories given are mostly from a religious viewpoint. The website also boasts reaching over 100,000 people per year.

Institute for Bible and scientific studies. (2011) [Internet]. Available at <> accessed 3 November 2011.

Extensive website committed to outlining theories on evolution and creation - from a creation scientific view. Its resources are extensive and range from news, archaeology and science and provide depth of answer to each.

There are also numerous links to various research resources on the subject with references to a multitude of articles and publications. The site is easy to navigate and contains a wealth of up-to-date information.

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