Wednesday 2 November 2011

Can Creationism be Scientific?

One of the most famous scientists of all time is Albert Einstein, the physicist whose very name has come to be used as a synonym for "genius." What is not commonly known about Einstein, and many other of the greatest scientists of all time, is that they were absolutely convinced of God's existence.

Scientists who call themselves "creation scientists" are professionals who are generally involved in the same types of work as the average scientist. The difference is that creation scientists have a "model" for their science which is based on the belief that an intelligent designer ("God") exists and created our universe and the natural things in it.

Scientific creation is the theory which proceeds from the claim that it is possible to make use of the results of natural science to demonstrate that the universe and all life was created in fully functioning form, and that the concept of intelligent design can be validated by the results of scientific investigation.

This model states that life on earth originated as the result of one or more creation events. A creation event may be identified as the instantaneous appearance of new matter out of nothing including but not limited to, fully functional, completely developed organisms. Creation events did not transform existing organisms, but produced entirely new creatures. These creation events are no longer occurring. As such, they are not observable or repeatable. Although this is unusual for a scientific model, it has all the weaknesses as evolution.

A major goal of creation science is to point out the weakness of evolutionary theory, because basically there are only two alternatives for how we got here. Creation scientists are developing alternative models and theories in many areas to help our understanding of how the universe works.

Creation science FAQ (2011) [Internet]. Available at <>

Creation science (2011) [Internet]. Available at <>

Creationism vs. science (2007) [Internet]. Available at <>

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